
Archive for February, 2014

Pax Prayer

Pax Part Duex

G, my youngest son, is a challenge to get to church on Sundays, seems like he’s always dragging his feet.  We all go to Mass, but he seems distracted or disinterested at times.

This evening, after a good part of the day without electrical power, we ate a hot meal, and then settled down to watch a movie together.  The lights went out just as the movie started, compliments of the new wave of the Pax storm.  After we were pretty sure the electric was out for the long run we decided that it was a good night to read books on our freshly charged devices.  We grabbed our flashlights and headed up to get ready for bed.  I was all settled in under the covers and I see a flashlight coming at me from down the hall.

Me:  What’s up G?

G:  Mom, do you think we can pray together?

Me:  Sure G, you feel like you need some prayer?

G:  I think we both could use it.

Me:  I agree, will you lead us?

G:  Sure.  Dear God, please keep us safe from falling trees, keep us warm while we have no power and surround our heads with angels.  Amen.

Me:  Amen.  That was a beautiful prayer.

G:  Thanks.  Can I stay in here and read with you.

Me:  Of course, snuggle in.

Tonight, G asked to pray, usually we offer to pray, or we just pray and he joins us.  It’s a rare occasion for him to initiate prayer, and to lead it with confidence as he did tonight.   Even as simple as he put it, it was indeed beautiful as the fresh fallen snow.

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2014 Storm PAX

The power went out at 7:45AM as I was prepping for the work day and just returned a few minutes ago.  I spent a good 15 minutes just looking out the window.  I can’t remember the last time I just sat, watched and listened without a million thoughts running through my head.  It was peaceful.

I could hear the persistent dropping of rain hitting the gutters, the chattering ice encrusted trees blowing gently.  The wind picked up and I could hear the crackle of branches trying to twist free of the icy layers that surrounded the limbs.  A loud crack of branches snapping, falling victim to the weight of the ice.  Even an old tree gave up the fight to be upright, crashed with a thud in the neighbor’s yard.

Even though it may be inconvenient to be home bound by the storm named Pax, there is something majestic about watching and listening to it all.  The next wave is blowing through, this go around it’s sleet, bouncing off the ground, sounding like pouring of sugar into an empty container.  The tree branches continue to bend under the  weight, to snap, to fall.

I’m hoping I can listen from a distance and be spared of a closer encounter.  Time, weather and trees will tell the story soon enough.  In the meantime, I’ll go collect my flashlights, get the extra blankets on the bed, if the power goes out, we’ll be ready.

pax (pæks) n1. (Roman Catholic Church) RC Church

a. a greeting signifying Christian love transmitted from one to another of those assisting at the Eucharist; kiss of peace

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Fall Afresh On Us

Back into the swing of life after retreat.  I’m so glad to have the opportunity to go on retreat and focus.  Everything seems so possible.  Adding in some new habits, hungry for a more deep and meaningful relationship with God and pursuit of the Kingdom.  The next thing you know – you’re back on the same tracks and struggle to keep the balance.

I’ve been trying to build the habit of starting my day with prayer.  There are still mornings that fly by before I invite God to be a part of it.  I prayed the rosary the past couple of mornings, before the work day began.  Prayer time was peaceful, and then the day got more chaotic.  It would have been easy to get frustrated, and shut down my willingness to be a good work citizen.  Instead, I was able to just accept disappointment, and keep moving.

For those who know me, understand that I examine situations… often.  I’m trying to find the different points of view so that I can better understand the motivation and thinking.  Honestly, I think I do this so it’s easier for me to accept things I can’t change, by building empathy.  It helps me remove my personal emotions and see a bigger picture.  I sometimes even discover the insignificance of things in the aspect of all others.   If the evaluation determines an untruth is the foundation, I’ll speak out in the spirit of truth telling and accountability, hopeful to offer a perspective that was not considered before.   Above all, I find peace.

Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on us.  Give us fresh eyes to see you working in our lives, cleansed soul that we can fully operate in your Spirit, and cleared mind and heart that we can hear you leading us into your Kingdom.

Galatians 5:16-26

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This past weekend, on retreat, we talked a little bit about St. Therese, the Little Flower and how she would take negative comments directed at her, or chores that were gross, or even situations that were plain annoying and offer them up as a love offering to God.  For every one of these events she would use a small string of beads in her pocket to help her count the sacrifices she made.  In this way she was able to advance daily in the perfection of love.  In our retreat gift bag I found a small string of beads, my very own sacrifice beads!!

So here it is 8:30AM and I’ve already moved 3 beads.  No hot water for a shower – click;  A boy who has missed the bus and wants to argue and blame me for his being late (I personally think it’s because he decided to stay in bed an extra 20 minutes) – click;  A situation at work – click.   There was something very satisfying by clicking the bead over the string.  I hope the speed of movement will not be a reflection of how the rest of my day will go!  Here’s wishing you an awesome day, and claiming my own.

sacrifice beads

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