
Archive for January, 2011

Today was my first day back in the office since December 17.  I was very good about not checking in, I only did once to approve a purchase order and delete some spam (less than an hour). 

I was going to go to the gym this morning, but soon realized I didn’t leave myself enough time to workout, shower, and catch up on e-mail before I started my marathon conference call schedule.  I had a cup of coffee, started a load of laundry and began popping through the email strings trying to figure out where I left off in December. 

There’s a lot of activity at work right now, multiple projects, deadlines, people to speak with.  My schedule is full for the next couple of weeks, jumping from subject to subject.  I felt overwhelmed before I even sat down. 

I said a prayer, which was simple:  “You did not create me to be ordinary, you made me to be extraordinary, so that I can use the gifts you given me to make a difference.” 

So I’ve been pulling together my New Year’s resolutions, yep, they’re still in formation. I believe that good intent without any thought of a plan may not cut it.   I know what I want to accomplish;  lose weight, be a more patient mom, be more organized and better manager at work, write a book, travel more, spend more time in prayer, and be a better, more thoughtful and attentive wife, mother, daughter and friend.  Some of these items are more difficult than others but I am hopeful that I can pull it off.  If you fell off your resolution plan or haven’t even put one together – it’s never too late to plan and hope to succeed.

 I came across this piece of scripture reminding me that there is a new beginning every morning.  What an awesome reminder that I don’t have to wait for next year (LOL)!!

Lamentations 3:22-24

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

Best wishes to you for a healthy, happy, prosperous, generous, faith filled and fruitful new year.

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